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    Preventing Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

    Seasonal allergy symptoms can really make you feel miserable. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, chances are you dread spring or fall – whichever season makes your allergies worse. While there are a number of medications and natural remedies that can help you manage your symptoms once they appear, you’ll have better results of you prevent seasonal allergy symptoms before they start.
    First, you want to make your home a pollen-free haven. This means keeping all of the doors and windows shut and using the air conditioner to keep your house cool. Your air conditioner should have a HEPA filter and that filter should be replaced regularly.
    If you have a pet that goes outdoors, consider whether that pet can become an exclusively outdoor or indoor pet – pets can bring a great deal of pollen into the house on their fur. If you have a pet that has to go outside, such as a dog, then reduce the amount of pollen in his fur by bathing him regularly and keeping his hair short so that pollen has fewer places to hide.
    People also track pollen into their houses on their feet. You should vacuum your floors regularly using a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter. Just as with the air conditioning, the filter should be changed on a regular basis. Speaking of floors, carpet harbors more pollen and allergens than hardwood floors, so whenever possible, minimize the amount of carpeting in your home. Sweep hardwood, vinyl and tile floors with a sweeper designed to trap dust. Area rugs should be regularly cleaned, and you should also dust with a product that’s designed to trap dust.
    You also bring pollen into the house in your hair, so it’s a good idea to wash your hair before you go to bed. That way, you don’t sleep in a cloud of pollen during the night.
    In addition, avoid going outside for long periods of time, especially when pollen counts are high in your area. Typically, weather reports – either online, on the TV o in the newspaper – will list the expected pollen count for the day.
    Many people find that using a nasal rinse product helps them avoid seasonal allergy symptoms. You can purchase a neti pot, an over the counter nasal rinse product, or make your own saline solution at home. The sensations of rinsing your nose are unusual and some people find it uncomfortable at first, but many people experience such a reduction in their allergy symptoms and congestion that they soon learn to tolerate the practice.
    Another traditional remedy is to eat one teaspoon of local honey every day. The theory behind this is that local honey will expose you to many of the same allergens in your area, but in smaller amounts. For best results, begin taking local honey several weeks before allergy season begins.
    Finally, if seasonal allergies are a problem that causes you significant discomfort or that significantly interferes with your life, you may want to consider allergy testing and taking allergy immunotherapy. You doctor can help you to determine the best course of action for your particular symptoms.